特伦布莱岛 GBA游戏免费分享


  • 游戏平台:GBA
  • 游戏大小:5.01MB
  • 发行日期:2022-05-24


特伦布莱岛 (Tremblay Island) 以霍华德·希尔(E.HowardHill)的小说《Vous Voilà》中的城市幻想世界为背景,它是一部半数字喜剧,半开放世界游戏,半神秘的电影。扮演任何一个岛上村民的角色,与其他人互动,参与戏剧,同时最终试图阻止一只脾气暴躁的短吻鳄接管岛上。


When Maple introduced her college roommate, she didn’t expect them to get married. She really didn’t expect them to blow their life savings on a castle, either.

So, she decided it was her responsibility to talk some sense into the two. This backfires on her, badly, when she inexplicably gives them the idea to start their own tiny island nation.
Now, coming on bad times and having no other options, Maple decides to pack up, drop out of school, and move onto the island. Little does she know however what the next few months have in store for the three Tremblays.
Set in the urban fantasy world of E. Howard Hill’s novel ‘Vous Voilà’, Tremblay Island is a part digital comic, part open-world game, part mystery.
Take on the role of any island villager and interact with the others, taking part in the drama while eventually trying to keep a grouchy alligator from taking over the island.

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